Friday, December 16, 2011

SallieA's Holiday Gift Guide

My Guide to the frugal gift giver
OR for those of us who can't afford a $275 bottle of Tequila or a $13 bar of oversized soap.
I don't know about you but if I had $275 I'm bill paying & if I pay $13 for a bar of soap (1) ain't nobody using it. (2) it better last a year (3) it better clean, mosturize AND solve some world issue. & (4) it better be wrapped in a $50 bill lol
I love me some O but I don't have O money. So here's my guide to getting thru your 'Santa List' with no money, little money, or strange change. You may have to work a little (DIY) but who doesn't love handmade gifts? hmmmm!! probably the person who did the 5am sales and is still running up credit cards.
My guide covers the senses and is both a DIY Guide & a Handmade Guide featuring members from my Etsy team EAOC.
I have 'pinned' the guides on Pinterest I'll preview them here & link you to them.
 Every artist in this guide is native to St Louis. The genres include Poetry, Jazz, Musicals, Gospel, Spirituals, Adult Contemporary, Classical and spicy cool Reggae. Treat your ears to some deliciousness, or your hands to some DIY tutes.

Stepping away (just for this one) from the not so 'O' prices; purchasing a lifetime of enjoyment from this list, because some of us can. Whether it's art, photog, jewelry or a book; handmade or DIY. These guidesnotonly have a plethora of choices but taut a wide price range.

                                            SMELLS GREAT
This guide assures that you and your home live fragrantly everafter.

Pumpkin Pie Butter by Belle Butters



Love soft and lush next to your skin? Or your skin feeling soft and lush
These guides are for you. Some are ready to ship and some are ready to make. Enjoy!!!!!!


The Holidays are synonymous with overeating. Can't imagine why this was the easiest guide to put together. (I must be hungry alot). This guide are heavy on the DIY and feature 2 of my fave local chefs that will leave
you deliciously satisfied and wanting more!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for putting together a great list of handcrafted items : )
